Special Reporter Demon Sheep Mho on assignment.... -

Special Reporter Demon Sheep Mho on assignment….

We here at Heather’s Books are super excited to welcome

Special Reporter Demon Sheep Mho who is on special assignment
to interview new author KT Grant who’s second book
For the Love of Mollie has just come out.
Mho the blog is now yours….

Mho: Hello all my servants… erm fans. You’re friendly demon sheep here on assignment for the Book Reading Gals. For those who are wondering, what’s the deal about a cute demon sheep interviewing an author? Well, I have quite the reputation on Twitter (@kingmhofho link: http://twitter.com/KingMhoFho) and as the cuddly mascot on Babbling About Books and More! While in Denver for RomCon, I got to known the Book Reading Gals very well *wink wink*, but since what happens in Denver, stays in Denver, the events of that extra special night won’t be known until I write my biography.
For the moment, I’m here chatting it up with KT Grant, author of “out of the box” reads who has a new release out with Decadent Publishing, called For the Love Of Mollie. Did you know that For the Love of Mollie is in the Relay For Life ‘Read For a Cure’ feature for August? During August, all of the publisher’s profits will be donated to the American Cancer Society!
*Mho turns to KT* So, KT, tell us about For the Love of Mollie and how you came up with the idea for the book.

KT: Thanks Mho and to the Book Reading Gals for having me here. For the Love of Mollie is about Mollie McGree who wants to lose weight. The reason for this is that she wants to seduce her good friend, Juan-Carlos aka JC. She thinks if she loses weight, JC will find her attractive and want to take their relationship to the next level. She joins a gym and meets Conner Bean, the younger, handsome millionaire owner of the gym who is very attractive to Mollie and finds her sexy the way she is. He wants Mollie for his own and won’t stop at nothing until he has her.
I came up with For the Love of Mollie because I feel there aren’t enough normal type of heroines being written in regards to their body type. It gets tiresome to read about size 2 and 4 heroines all the time. Why not write about a size 10, 12 or even size 18 who finds love with her perfect man?

Mho: So there’s hot sex in it? How kinky we talking here?
KT: I guess you could say my loves scenes are borderline erotic. There’s one love scene where Conner gives Mollie a sensual massage.

Mho: *wiggles tail* Want to re-create that scene together after we finish the interview?
KT: *blank stare* Unless you can shift into a man like Conner, keep your hooves to yourself.

Mho: *clears throat and looks down at notes* Um… I see For the Love of Mollie even won a contest. Care to tell us about that?
KT: This is something I’m so very proud of. Decadent Publishing was holding a contest for the Relay For Life ‘Read For a Cure’. Whichever book won, all the proceeds for the month of August would be donated for this charity. For the Love of Mollie won their Novella contest. Knowing that I wrote something that could be a part of a great charity is very fulfilling.

Mho: *wipes eyes* Ah, my KB… erm KT makes me so proud!
KT: Mho, I thought we discussed about keeping my alter-ego a secret?

Mho: Please, like no one knows you blog under Katiebabs.
KT: *smack forehead* Can we please keep it about my writing and my present release?

Mho: Fine, don’t get your panties into a twist. *shakes notes* Back to the matter at hand. Ah! Here’s a tough question for you! Who has influenced your writing?
KT: *Taps chin* If we are talking authors, I would say that Stephen King and Charlotte Bronte have influenced me the most. Stephen King is my literary idol. The minute I finished reading The Stand when I was eighteen, I wanted to write a book where I would astound people with my characters and stories. And the moment I read Bronte’s Jane Eyre in high school, I longed to write a book about an independent and strong woman who engages in an all-consuming romance.

Mho: *mouth drops open* That’s so deep. I think I’m in love with you.
KT: *blushes*

Mho: *clears throat* It looks like you have many great things going on in your life. Now, to sweeten the deal, I have a copy of For the Love of Mollie to give away here.
KT: Mho, how did you buy a copy? Last time I checked, sheep don’t have access to cash.

Mho: *backs away* I found your credit card and charged it. *scampers away*
KT: *runs after Mho screaming*
KT can also be found at her website: http://ktgrant.com/ and at her personal blog, Babbling about Books, and More: http://kbgbabbles.blogspot.com/
And at Twitter: @katiebabs (http://twitter.com/katiebabs)

Bio: KT Grant is a self-proclaimed eccentric redhead who not only loves to read a wide variety of romances, but also loves writing it. Under her alter-ego, she is a well known book reviewer and blogger who doesn’t shy away from voicing her opinion. A proud native of New Jersey, KT is multi-published and known for writing “out of the box” romances. KT has been quoted in such publications as the Romance Writers Associations’ Romance Writers Report and Night Owl Reviews. She has also been mentioned in the Guardian.UK, Publisher’s Weekly’s Beyond the Book and at Bookseller.com.

As Mho stated he is giving away a copy of For the Love of Mollie here to one lucky commenter

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  1. Anonymous

    Wow, this book looks so good. Plus size girls rule. LOL! I really want to win. Its definitley going on my list to buy even if I don't. Thanks for sharing today.


  2. The Book

    Johanna, it is a really cute read.


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