Holiday Fun with Stephanie Julian -

Holiday Fun with Stephanie Julian

Today we have Stephanie Julian on sharing on of her families favorite holiday recipes and I have to say after reading the recipe I know for a fact my guys would love it. Stephanie also has a new book out How to Worship a Goddess. 

I’m not much of a cook through most of the year, mostly because I just don’t have the time. I like to bake when I have the time, and my kids love fresh cookies and brownies every now and then, but we really shouldn’t be eating all those sweets anyway, right?

But at the holidays, my inner Giada (I’m a closet Food Network fan, have been for years) kicks in and suddenly I’m buying KitchenAid mixers and Cuisinart food processors and whipping up cookies and brownies and candy and fudge, not to mention making chicken stock for homemade soup and biscuits to go with beef stew.

I blame my mom.

Now she’s a great cook.

Her chicken pot pie, complete with homemade noodles, is legendary. I can’t get close to matching her chicken soup, her pulled pork is divine and her Russian tea balls melt in your mouth.

But it wouldn’t be Christmas (or Thanksgiving or Easter) without my mom’s potato filling.

My guys gorge on it until they’re sick. My husband has been known to horde it. My father-in-law sits by the bowl and growls at anyone who gets near it.

Yes, it’s that’s good.

I’ve never attempted my own version, mostly because I know I wouldn’t get close to my mom’s and I would never hear the end of it.

Someday, I know it will be up to me to make it. But for the next twenty years (I hope), Mom’s potato filling will be made by Mom herself.


Mom’s Potato Filling

Five pounds of potatoes

Two stalks of celery, chopped fine

One medium onion, chopped fine

Half a bag of bread cubes

Half stick of butter

1 ¼ to 1 ¾ cups of half and half

Salt and pepper to taste


Saute onions and celery until soft while potatoes boil.

Bake bread cubes in 350 degree oven for 10 minutes, until dry.

Mash potatoes with butter and 1 ¼ cups of half and half. Stir in bread cubes, onions and celery and add more half and half if the mixture gets too stiff.

Salt and pepper to taste. Dot with butter and put in the oven on warm until ready to eat.


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