Stirred Up by S.E. Hall and Angela Graham -

Stirred Up by S.E. Hall and Angela Graham

stirred upTitle: Stirred Up
Author: S.E. Hall & Angela Graham
Genre: Contemporary

Certain men. Certain professions. Some things are just universally sexy.
But maybe not quite this sexy…
“Lay back for me.”

Thoughts: So someone I trust about books told me and another friend today that we needed to read this book. Both authors are new to me, so I was both excited and trepidatious about it. The one thing that had me questioning my sanity was the lack of blurb. While I understand why the author did this (I hate writing blurbs) this screamed to me as a reader I don’t want to tell you about this book I want you to buy it based on the hot half naked guy on the cover.

Not knowing what I was getting into I dived into it.

I’m not a huge fan of first person narrative, and yes I know some of my top reads last year were told in first person, but the narrative was so compelling that I didn’t notice. In this book I very much noticed.

Addison (the heroine) drove me bat shit crazy at times, one hand I liked her sense of self but on the other hand I felt like she was a very judgmental person.

Brady (one of the heroes, yes you read that right) because we only see him through Addison’s eyes I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to like him or hate him. Some of the things he did, especially in the beginning had me questioning everything about this story.

Dr. Reynolds (the other hero) I had the same issue with him as I did Brady.

This whole book starts when Brady finds out that Addison who is 26 has never been to a gyno. Brady, a doctor, freaks out about this and makes an appointment for her. Her reaction to this appointment was so over the top, and unbelievable, I began to suspect something was off about it, but what happened took me by surprise, and not in a good way.

All of her interactions with the good doctor made me a little queasy because she supposedly just met the guy.

On top of that is all the stuff that transpires between her and Brady, by themselves and with her brother Brady’s best friend.

As far as the romance goes I’m not sure if there really was one. It seemed to me that Addison was all over the freaking place and not in a good way.

All of that being said I was compelled to keep reading. I had to know how this was going to end. I have a feeling that the authors were trying to create a mystery between the men, but all it did was make Addison look bad and me want to reach in and slap her.

I wish that the authors had given us Brady and Dr. Reynolds pov as well, so that I didn’t struggle to like them.

From what I’ve read this is supposed to be an erotic tale and I didn’t find it erotic at all. In fact the sex scenes were very meh about it.

Over all this book was okay. Will this be the last book I read by them? No.

Grade C+

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