Sunday Snippet: Drawn Together by Lauren Dane -

Sunday Snippet: Drawn Together by Lauren Dane

sunday snippetIf you’re a fan of Lauren Dane’s Brown Siblings series then you know all about Raven, or you think you do because there is so much more to this amazing character. That being said we’re super excited to share a snippet from Drawn Together which comes out on Tuesday. And in case you missed it Heather’s review of Drawn Together posted on Friday, you can check it out here.

Her shrug aimed at nonchalance but most likely failed. “I don’t play games when it comes to sex.”

Usually she said it calmly, but just then he made her feel defensive. Well, no, defensive wasn’t the right word. Like she needed to declare it with her chin jutted out. Or something.

“You don’t? Well, there goes that fantasy.”

She laughed, relaxing.

“Well, there are games and there are games. I like what I like. I’m an adult. I think it’s a waste of time to pretend we aren’t sexually attracted to each other when we are.”

His gaze went hooded.

“All right. I can get on board with that. I want you.”

Heat and cold washed over her. Which was silly. She wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the imagination. But this sort of desire left her breathless. Giddy. She wasn’t used to this. A slow heat sure. She’d felt that with Brody Brown for a very long time. He was an attractive man who cared about her, and that had been comforting as well as exciting.

But this man . . . well. He wasn’t the long, slow dance that men like Brody Brown were. This man was intense. He stole her breath.

Being so out of sorts and off balance wasn’t something she did well.

Then again, she had no intention of leaving, so to pretend otherwise was ridiculous.

“And I want the Celtic design one. Circles. I like that.”

She would have chosen that one in his place as well. He was a warrior type. Big and braw. Smart. Good lord, she could see the intelligence and cunning in his gaze. Like a wolf, she supposed.

“Nice choice.”

“I feel vindicated that you agree.”

“It’ll look good on you.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’d never allow otherwise?”

“I like my work. I like my reputation. If I cut corners or got sloppy, I’d have neither.”

“That . . . and I think you’re a control freak. Have you ever given any thought to releasing that control?”

His voice had gone low and silky and it sent a shiver through her.

“Are you going to try to convert me now?”

He laughed, but there was more than simple amusement there.

This was foreplay.

“I suppose I’d like to show you my idea of heaven.”

Good lord.

“Do I have to read your pamphlet now? I like candy on Halloween. I like to dance. I particularly enjoy premarital sex.”

He stood, stacking her empty plate on his before carrying them to the sink. “In my religion, you can have all the candy, dancing and sex with me that you can stand.”

“Hm. Well, perhaps conversion is something worth considering.”

cover34339-mediumBeauty is more than skin-deep…

Tattoo artist Raven Smith is blunt and hard, broken and jaded, dark and beautiful. While she doesn’t hide her painful past, she does keep a wall around her heart. She’s free sexually—but no one gets to the real Raven beneath the prickly exterior.

With a voice like smoke, Jonah Warner is a smooth-talking, highly successful attorney, with a body that should never be hidden by a suit. He’s the kind of man who never takes no for an answer and always gets what he wants. And what he wants is Raven. She’s a survivor, and he finds that incredibly alluring.

Jonah gets under her skin in a way Raven has never experienced. He makes her break all her rules—including her no-monogamy rule.

But when a figure from Raven’s past shows up at the tattoo parlor and drops a bomb into her life, their relationship will face the ultimate challenge…


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