The latest in Jill Shalvis’s Animal Magnitism series Then Came You is another amazing read. What is it about men and animals that make out hearts (and other body parts) sigh? We also have a copy of this book to giveaway. Just leave a comment telling us which of Jill’s books is your favorite and why.
He’d been an intuitive, giving, demanding, fantastic lover, and now she worked for him. Good sweet baby Jesus.
Those whisky eyes on hers, he hit the bathroom lock, the sound of the bolt sliding into place as loud as her accelerated breathing. “Oh, no,” she said, shaking her head. “No way.” They weren’t going to have a second one-night stand no matter how hard her nipples had gone. He’d already wielded his magic over her, with nothing more than that low-pitched voice and sex-on-a-stick smile. They were over and done.
Done. Done. Done. “Absolutely not doing it again.”
He grinned. “It?”
“You know what I mean.” She poked him in the pec, momentarily distracted by how firm it was. “And how is it you work here? Are you stalking me?” She gasped as another thought occurred to her. “Did you guys take me on because of– Oh my God. Is it because I …” She lowered her voice into a horrified whisper. “–got naked with you on the first date?”
His lips twitched. “Sweetness, that wasn’t a date.” His voice went a little dry. “But yeah, I found you so irresistible in Reno that hired a PI, got your last name and where your internship would be, and then applied to the same place to have a job as your supervisor all in order to continue having sex with you.”
“Okay,” she said slowly, staring up at him. “You’re right. I’m being ridiculous.” Now that she was thinking again, logic thankfully took over. She’d accepted this internship long before she’d ever gone to Reno. “Sorry about that.”
“Yeah, you almost overreacted there for a minute,” he said on a smile.
“Ha.” But she was over-reacting to his smile, holy cow. He hadn’t shaved that morning, and she had good reason to know that the stubble on his sexy jaw wasn’t too soft or too rough, but juuuust right. She closed her eyes and tried to shake off that memory, but it was far more difficult than she’d have thought possible. “I have a plan,” she said. “A life plan. And this isn’t on it. You aren’t on it.”
From the New York Times bestselling author of Rumor Has Itand the Lucky Harbor series comes the story of a woman whose world is turned upside down by one night’s torrid fling…
Veterinary intern Emily can’t believe she wound up in the small town of Sunshine, Idaho, instead of the Los Angeles clinic she had always imagined. Now she has to put her plans to move to L.A. on hold for a whole year while she fulfills the obligation of her vet school scholarship.
Then Wyatt, her gorgeous one-night stand from a Reno vet conference, introduces himself as her new boss. And Emily is just as drawn to his seductive looks and quiet strength as she was on that very steamy night. She soon learns that Wyatt isn’t just a laid-back doctor, but a delicious alpha male tempting her away from her carefully laid-out plans.
This is probably the most difficult question ever since every time Jill releases a new one, it becomes my fave. I guess for this series, I’d have to say Animal Magnetism is my favorite because of Brady. It’s just the way he’s so alpha but when he meets Lilah, he’s mush in her hands. I love the way he treats her. Jill has the best way of writing!! And this book started my love in this series! ^_^
Get A Clue – that shower scene. Wow. And such funny dialogue – but then all Jill’s dialogue is funny. Would love to win this book. Thanks for offering it.
My favorite Jill Shalvis book is Animal Magnetism. That’s my favorite at this moment but with Jill Shalvis books that can change as fast as the weather in MN (which is fast).
So many choices, so hard to choose. Of the Lucky Harbor books, I’d pick Chloe and Sawyer’s book, Head Over Heels. Those were just two characters that I connected with the most and that book was just seriously funny. The mud springs scene had me chortling out loud!
Of her Lucky Harbor books, I’d pick LUCKY IN LOVE. I was a sucker for all the mystery hot guy sightings, so I was intrigued by Ty before his book even came out. And when Ty and Mallory first get together is quite memorable! LOL
But I also really love ROOM SERVICE. I love Jacob and since he’s a chef he can cook…and not just in the kitchen.
Animal Magnetism. Love Brady & Lila together.
Double Play – because I love sports related books – especially baseball ones.
So hard to choose; love them all – but will have to agree with Get a Clue – so funny and that shower scene – great.
Loved Rumor Has it – Kate and Griffin are wonderful together. Love a book with military coming back from serving.
Once in a Lifetime – perfect couple, brooding Ben and Aubrey trying to make amends for her past. Love this type of storyline.