Surprise Reader Announcement from Rock Star Lit -

Surprise Reader Announcement from Rock Star Lit

Surprise Reader Announcement from RSLit by Rock Star Lit

We are so very excited to share some news with you! Starting on December 4th, Rock Star Lit will be launching a new READER newsletter called That Book Rocks!

Each week we’ll be sending YOU info on new releases, sale priced books, books available for preorders, behind the scenes sneak peeks and exclusives, including contests and lots more!

Sign up by December 4th to receive your first newsletter and you’ll be entered into a contest to receive a $100 gift card from the retailer of your choice.

PLUS, our first newsletter will contain an exclusive sneak peek excerpt from Meghan March’s upcoming Dirty Billionaire – releasing on December 8th. And this one you don’t want to miss!

Sign up now:


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