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Trouble Me By Laura Moore

Let me tell you a little about Trouble Me, Book Three in the Rosewood Trilogy.

It’s Jade Radcliffe’s story. Jade, Margot and Jordan’s younger half-sister, started the series as a troubled and unhappy teen.
In Trouble Me she’s now a young woman who’s pretty much gotten her act together. A recent college grad, she’s determined to shake the wild reputation she earned as a teen and take her place alongside her sisters training horses at Rosewood Farm and teaching at the local elementary school. Jade plans to be a model citizen, a real paragon.
The only hitch in her plan is that on her way home a terrible lightning storm forces her to spend the night in a hotel near Norfolk, Virginia. And when she meets a handsome stranger in a bar she learns that the summer lightning storm raging outside is nothing compared to the electricity that sizzles when they touch.
Though Jade thinks she’s just indulging in a final one night stand before assuming an ultra respectable persona, it turns out that her handsome stranger is not such a stranger after all…

Laura Moore’s Novels are such treasures written with true artistry. The latest installment, Trouble Me, Show’s hot the Author truly loves what she does.
Jade Radcliffe had a rocky start following the deaths of her parents, She fell into a path that could lead nowhere but jail. Her teenage years were troubled, But her stepsisters were al
ways there to help her battle the demons. After she graduates college, Jade is a beautiful young woman that has come into her own. She has decided to start a children’s riding program at Rosewood. The horse farm she was raised on. She has also taken on a substitute teacher position in pursuit of her career in education as well. She has everything lined up planed out and ready to go until the man she spent an unforgettable night with appears in her class room and she’s standing face to face with Robo-Cop.
Rob Cooper has loved and lost. In truth he was still morning the loss of his beloved Beth even 5 years later. Leaving him to raise their beautiful you daughter Hailey. He’s tried to move on. His very focused on his job a police officer as well as his duties being a single parent. Everything he’s known for the past 5 plus years changes when he meets his little girls substitute teacher. Jade had caused him countless headaches in her teens. However Jade is no longer a surley teen with chopped and dyed hair. She’s grown up to become the woman that rocked his world and become the object he desires beyond reason.
Can Two people that have suffered so much apart become a whole together?
Jade and Rob have such chemistry that it’s hard to see how they ever hated each other. Both try to move past their dark history to move on with their lives. This book was wonderfully written with love and compassion draws you right in. What a treat for all who read.
