TBRG Holiday Recipe Exchange ~ Granny's Whiskey Sour Slush from Roxy Mews -

TBRG Holiday Recipe Exchange ~ Granny’s Whiskey Sour Slush from Roxy Mews

TBRG recipe post

Granny’s Whiskey Sour Slush

1 12oz can frozen orange juice concentrate

1 12oz can frozen lemonade concentrate

7 cups water

2 cups strong tea

1 ½ cups sugar

4 cups whiskey

Lemon-Lime Soda for mixing


Mix ingredients well and place in flat plastic containers to freeze for at least 24 hours before serving.  To serve, place approximately ½ cup of frozen mixture in a glass and fill with 7-up or Sprite until slushy texture forms.

Best enjoyed with good friends.

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  1. Roxy Mews

    Thanks for sharing this one! All the other recipes here are making me want to attempt to cook. LOL.

  2. Patoct

    Bring on the appetizers!

  3. gmapeony

    Looks good. These recipes are getting me in the holiday spirit.

  4. Marcy Shuler

    I’m not a big drinker but I do like the “sour” ones. I’ve copied the recipe. *hic*

  5. Roxy Mews

    I am telling you, guys. This drink is one of my favorites. And the fact that I am making something that my Granny made always warms me up as much as the alcohol. You guys should know it is good. My Granny had seven kids. She needed the drink every once in awhile. ;p


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