TBRG Holiday Recipe Exchange ~ Great-Aunt Rose’s Pumpkin Pie from Katee Robert -

TBRG Holiday Recipe Exchange ~ Great-Aunt Rose’s Pumpkin Pie from Katee Robert


Today’s recipe comes from Katee Robert

Great-Aunt Rose’s Pumpkin Pie

4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 29 oz can pumpkin
1 ½ c sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 ½ tsp vanilla
2 shots whiskey
2 12 oz cans of evaporated milk

Combine all ingredients and pour into pie shells. It makes 3-4 small pies or 2 large pies.

Bake at 425* for 15 minutes, and then reduce the temperature to 350* and bake for 40 minutes (small pies) or 50-60 minutes (large pies)

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  1. patoct

    Sounds good. Nice to be able to make a few desserts out of one recipe.

  2. marcyshuler

    Apparently Great-Aunt Rose liked whiskey. I’ve never seen that in a pumpkin pie, but it sounds intriguing. LOL

  3. gmapeony

    My sister’s name was Rosie and she was an excellent cook; I am sure she would have liked this pie.


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