Tell Me You Crave Me by Joya Ryan -

Tell Me You Crave Me by Joya Ryan

cover85097-mediumTitle:    Tell Me You Crave Me

Series:  Search and Seduce Book #3

Author:  Joya Ryan

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   Easton Ambrose has spent half his life protecting Natalie St. Clair from guys like himself. It’s not like he wants to interfere with her dating life, but what’s he supposed to do when she insists on going out with the wrong kind of guy? Kiss her, of course. But now she’s pissed. And what starts as an apology turns to heated words…then just to heat.

Jumping East was the worst idea in the history of ideas. The guy is Natalie’s older brother’s best friend, the definition of off limits. But she’s tired of the safe guys who couldn’t light a fire with a flamethrower. Time for a little dangerous—even if dangerous always blows up in your face. Because even if they survive their bedroom antics, it’s only a matter of time before they’re caught…

Thoughts:  Eaten has always lusted after his somewhat-sister, but he never acted on anything he felt for her because he was best friend’s with her brother and her family drew him into their life and gave him that facsimile of a family life that he was lacking.  Of course, Natalie has been in love with him since forever.  A theme that has been done over and over, and typically one of my favorites.  I liked this one, and it was a decent read…however, I did lack a bond with the characters and with the overall story that might have had me rating it higher.  This is my first book by the author, so I am interested to try some of her other books.  This one was easily read as a stand alone.

Rate:  B

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