Texas On My Mind by Eve Gaddy -

Texas On My Mind by Eve Gaddy

Title: Texas On My Mind

Series: Heart of Texas Book #2

Stand Alone Title: yes
Author:  Eve Gaddy

Genre:  Romance

Blurb: What happens when you discover that the woman who’s been a friend for years is actually the one you’ve been waiting for? If you’re Dr. Turner McBride you set out to prove that the two of you would be perfect together.

After betrayal and a failed marriage, Charlie Stockton returns to Last Stand, Texas, to run her bakery and avoid commitment. She’s delighted to resume her long-time friendship with far-too-sexy Turner – but no way is she ready or able to trust her heart again. Although she might be tempted into an affair, Charlie’s convinced their friendship is too important to risk losing by taking it to another level.

It will take all Turner’s determination and an unexpected wake up call to prove to Charlie that risking her heart will be well worth the gamble.

Favorite quote(s)/excerpt(s): “What brought this on?  You’ve never been interested in me that way.”

“I have, but it’s never been the right time.  One or both of us have always been involved with someone else.”

Setting that aside, since she wasn’t sure she believed him, she said, “And you think the right time is now.”

“It’s worth considering, don’t you think?

“Honestly, Turner, I don’t know what to think?”

He pushed himself away from the counter and walked over to her.  His sky-blue eyes were full of devilment as he took her in his arms.  “Let’s try this.”

Her eyes widened.  He bent his head down and kissed her.

Thoughts: I love a good romance where two best friends fall for each other…it’s one of my favorite troupes.  This one was missing a lot of the deep emotional connection I like to see, and at times I found it almost boring when there were lulls in the story.  For me it was a sweet little romance though.

Rating: B

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