Thanks & Recap -

Thanks & Recap

Just wanted to give a huge shout of thanks to all the authors who helped us out this week and to everyone who stopped by.  Heather and I are really excited about starting this venture together and I hope you all have fun along the way with us.

We will post the winners on Sunday so plan on checking in to see if you are one of the lucky ones.

Just in case you did not get a chance to see the author responses to our question we asked here they are again.  If you can figure out which author is new to this post you might win a book also.  Just post a comment and we will draw a winner from the correct answers

We asked a few of our favorite authors what their go to books or authors are right now and where do they go to relax and read.  Here are their responses.

Carly Phillips:   http://www.carlyphillips.com/ A few months ago I would have said I’m a true contemporary reader. Only. That’s still the case … without the only! I’ve recently strayed into a genre I never thought would hold any interest for me – paranormal.  It’s been a fantastic break from my normal reading and when I’ve devoured my contemporary authors and am waiting for a new release.  As for which authors, in contemporary – my fellow Plotmonkeys, Leslie Kelly aka Leslie Parrish, Julie Leto, and Janelle Denison … and also Toni Blake, Erin McCarthy’s racecar series, Victoria Dahl, Jill Shalvis, Rachel Gibson.  And now in my new paranormal phase, I’m devouring Nalini Singh, Meaghan Hatfield, Larissa Ione.  As for where? On my Kindle … wherever I can.  In bed usually since reading is a treat for when I can relax but in my car while waiting for the kids works too!

Erin Nicholas:  http://www.erinnicholas.com/ I almost always go for contemporaries first, though I have favorites in historical, erotic, and paranormal too. I have a few go-to authors who always deliver for me but the two that first come to mind are Erin McCarthy and Susan Andersen. I have a big chair by my picture window that I love to curl up in with my Kindle! 🙂

Susan Mallery: http://www.susanmallery.com I’ve always been a romance fan. Romance novels are my go-to books, though of course I read in other genres from time to time. Romances affirm my view of the world as a good place where men and women find a way to avoid killing each other, despite sometimes overwhelming temptation. I read everywhere, but if we’re talking a truly relaxing read, there’s nothing like curling up on the sofa with a good book.

Anna Campbell:   http://www.annacampbell.info/ A great historical sweeps me away into a world of romance like nothing else so when I’ve got spare time, I tend to read the competition (LOL!). I love to read in bed, especially when it’s raining outside!

Alexandra Hawkins:  http://www.alexandrahawkins.com/ No contest–Romance. I read all sub-genres. Where do I like to read? The sofa in my family room reclines so it’s a comfy place to read.

Sarah MacLean: http://www.macleanspace.com I love historicals, but when I’m just trying to get away from work, I love contemporaries. Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Rachel Gibson, Kristan Higgins, and when I run out of them, I’m always down for the One Click packs for Kindle from Harlequin! As for the where, anywhere my dog is curled up is always a first choice.

Stephanie Laurens: http://www.stephanielaurens.com/         I read a lot of different genre fiction. Always genre, but it could be crime/mystery, fantasy or romance. I read in bed, pretty much every single night. I have a silk-covered, silk-fiber filled comforter, European pillows to prop myself up with, and my cats always come to sit with me–one on my stomach, the other between my calves. As far as they’re concerned, that’s how it has to be

Nalini Singh:   http://www.nalinisingh.com/ I have quite eclectic reading tastes and depending on my reading mood, will read anything from thrillers to sf/fantasy, to any number of sub-genres of romance (of course!) and more. I read some non-fiction as well, partly for research purposes and partly just because the topic interests me. Some of my favorite authors are Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey. Anne Bishop, Christine Feehan, Meljean Brook, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Jayne Castle/Jayne Ann Krentz, JD Robb, Julie Garwood, Jude Deveraux, Lisa Kleypas…and seriously, I could keep going. I love reading, and I’m always trying out new authors alongside my favorites. My most recent “finds” have been Joss Ware (love the Envy Chronicles!) and Jess Granger with her futuristic romances. As for where I read – everywhere I can!

Jessa Slade:     http://jessaslade.wordpress.com/ As a writer, I consider it my sacred duty to read. I have a breakfast book, a backpack book, a bedside book, and a bathtub book. And usually a few more besides 🙂 I read a lot in my genre — urban fantasy romance — but like most booksluts, I’ll peel back the cover on anything. At RomCon this year (where I met the Book Reading Gals!) I had the chance to sit with Nalini Singh, C.L. Wilson and Christine Feehan. It was like my bookshelf sprang to life!

Erin Kellison:  http://www.erinkellison.com/ Chances to relax are seldom with little kids and a book on deadline, so I have to steal time to get my reading fix. I generally choose fantasy, but really enjoy a lot of genre fiction. I had surgery last week and got to read Mockingjay in one sitting. Love that feeling of sinking into a book. My favorite place to go? The beach. Combine that with a book and a lazy afternoon and I am in heaven.

Leslie Parish:     http://www.authorleslieparrish.com/ Whenever I want to read purely for enjoyment, I tend to stay away from romance because I’m so immersed in it in my job, I just want something different for down-time.So I typically pick up a horror or thriller novel (Stephen King is my favorite) or something so funny it leaves me breathless (Christopher Moore is my go-to author for this!) I most recently read The Passage by Justin Cronin, a futuristic vampire/zombie armageddon story and really loved it.

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  1. Jane

    Thanks for a fun week. I definitely discovered some new authors. I’m guessing Susan is new to this post. Have a great weekend.

  2. melanie - admin

    Hey Jane thanks for posting today! Yeah Susan got hers to us a little late so we decided to post it today. I will be getting the Fools Gold books out to you this week and also an extra treat.

  3. Lisa Hutson

    I think I saw Susan before. But a couple of the names sounded new. Can I guess 2? haha Erin & Leslie!? Just guessing anyway, no idea.
    By the way, I have liked the new site this week. I know it will change over time. But right now, I like it. How nice of all those authors to answer those questions. Anyway, just wanted to say congratulations and good job!!

  4. Jane

    Thanks, Melanie.


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