The Black Rebel Riders' MC Series by Glenna Maynard + GIVEAWAY -

The Black Rebel Riders’ MC Series by Glenna Maynard + GIVEAWAY



I know many of you are really feeling the new ‘motorcycle club’ themed books, so I thought I would draw you attention to this great series!  The author also graciously offered up some items for giveaway!

rumor new teaserTHE BOOKS:  Book #1 – Grim – The Beginning – My name is Grim and this is the beginning… This isn’t a fairytale romance or for the faint of heart. Deep in the hills of Drag Creek Kentucky, there is a group of outlaws, whose love of moonshine and motorcycles runs through their blood. We are known as the Black Rebel Riders’ MC. For the past twenty years my club has been at war with a rival MC, The Devils Rejects.

Book #2 – Rumor –  Sometimes, the lines that bond you are the ones that threaten to end your very existence. Loyalties are tested and lines are crossed, leaving a trail of despair on the highway to hell….‘Rumor has it that, one day the Grim Reaper is going to come for you.’ Those are the words that have reverberated through my head most of my life. You know that saying about becoming a bird so you can fly away, I too want to be a bird, and I want to fly far away from here… Sarah has lived a secluded life of torment and despair. She longs for the day the Grim reaper she has been raised to fear comes to end the hell she has endured.  Haunted by the past Grim’s story continues in Rumor; book two of The Black Rebel Riders’ MC. Grim is trying to keep the one promise he made Red, finding her daughter Sarah. Things are heating up between a club once thought to be a friend and an old enemy. Grim has to decide where his loyalties truly lie. Will Grim keep his promise and keep his patch? 


THE LINKS:  GRIM – Amazon   B&N

RUMOR – Amazon   B&N

THE GIVEAWAY:  Enter to win a e-copy of your choice of Glenna’s books!  GIVEAWAY


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  1. rluken05

    I just discovered MC books and I really like the grittyness of them

  2. hotcha1


  3. Dawn Ruchel

    I Love, Love MC Books. Love big bad sexy as heck bikers.

  4. SnarkyMom

    I don’t know why, since I’m about as dull & boring of a housewife that you can be, but I REALLY like the MC books. Not really keen on the ones where they are doing out-of-control outlaw stuff, like human trafficking, etc…, but I like ’em!

  5. bn100

    Haven’t read any


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