The book/characters I am most thankful for *giveaway* -

The book/characters I am most thankful for *giveaway*

In the spirit of the holiday this week I decided that I wanted to know what book or characters you are most thankful for.

Do you have a book that is so dog-eared that you really need a new one, or that you have read so many times it is falling apart?

How about characters that you absolutely love and want to read more of them? They can either be the primary characters or the secondary characters. A friend of mine who is blogger of some fame (yes you Katie) is currently stalking a character that is a secondary character that will eventually, we (she especially) all hope, have his own story.

To start I will share my favorite books, yes I said books because to choose just one is quite frankly impossible. There are 5 that come to mind immediately, and they are The Chesapeake Bay Saga by Nora Roberts and The Three Fates by Nora Roberts. Why these books, well the first ones, I think it is because these books came out as I was getting married and 2 years later adopting two amazing little boys from the foster care system. As I have read these books over the years I have always thought that the story of Cam, Ethan, Phillip and Seth before they were adopted could have been my boys stories if it wasn’t for social workers that were on the ball from birth with them. I can’t tell you why I love the Three Fates I just do.

Okay now for characters there are several that I am most anxious to know more about however I will limit myself to just a few. Topping my list is all Prakenski siblings from Christine Feehan’s Sea Haven series. Ilya is one of my all time fave hero’s and to find out about his family is going to be awesome. The other ones that I am most anxious about are Vasic from Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling series, that is one Psy that most definitely want to know more about, all the little glimpses we get of him in the books are like little morsels of something amazing that I know she will deliver. Venom from Nalini’s vampire series is the other one. It was Dimitri, however in the last two books (yes I have read AC the review will come) I have become a huge fan of his and may resort to stalking him.

Okay now the fun part, I want to know everyone else’s book or characters that they are most thankful for. One or maybe two lucky commentators will receive a grab back of books.  So start talking ladies, inquiring minds what to know.

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  1. Hope

    That is hard to pick just five books. BUT, if I must…my favorite of all time would have to be Christy Reece’s Rescue me. It was my first romantic suspense and the story has always stuck with me. 2nd, would be Gone to Far by Suzanne Brockmamm. 3rd, Cindy Gerard’s Whisper No Lies. 4th, Debbie MacComber, Sooner or Later and finally 5th, Lisa Klyepas Blue Eyed Devil.

    My favorite characters are really my favorite teams. Sam & Alyssa, from Gone to far are my number 1… Then Crystal and Reed from Whisper no Secrets…

    I love authors that make you WANT to care about their characters.

  2. Jane

    I love the Quinn brothers, too. I’m really grateful for Stephanie Laurens’ Cynsters and the members of the Bastion Club. I also love all of Barbara Freethy’s heroes, especially Shane.

  3. Johanna Jochum

    I love this post! I have several dog eared, ratty, musty, books that I read over and over! I’m a big Teresa Medeiros fan and I love all her books but I read Heather and Velvet, Once an Angel, Nobody’s Darling and Charming the Beast and The Bride and the Beast so many times I can’t even count anymore! Rainbows and Rapture by Rebecca Paisley is another favorite of mine that I read at least once a year! Lisa Klepas’ Wallflower series, Sugar Daddy and the others that followed, The Hathaway series is also my favorite tried and true books. Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory series is Great too. The Magic of you is falling apart and I might have to use tape next time a read it! I enjoy all the Love at Stake books by Kerrelyn Sparks even though they are new to me and still in good condition I have read them all several times already! Thanks for sharing with us today!

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  5. Edna

    Oh gosh I have so many favorites. I’ll just list the ones that come to mind at the moment. I’m sure I’ll forget a bunch.

    Judd Lauren from the Psy-Changeling series is one of my all-time favorites. I adore him to pieces and love that he plays a role in books after his own. Kate from Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series. Bones of the Night Huntress books by Jeaniene Frost. Mercy from the Mercy Thompson novels by Patricia Briggs. There’s St. Vincent of Kleypas’ Wallflower series. Wulf from the Slighty series by Mary Balogh.

    I also would love to know more about Vasic. Not to mention Kaleb. I’d like to read more about Ben from the Mercy T. series by Patricia Briggs, Derek of the Kate Daniels, and Ian of the Night Huntress books.

    Thanks for the fun post!

  6. Kim Miller

    Well I am a huge Twilight Fan and I have to say the entire Cullen family is my all time favorite family, I also love the Chesapeake Bay family and right now the character I am most anxious to learn about is Hawke from Nalini’s Psy/Changeling series. She has so many amazing characters in all of her books and I have to agree with Edna that I also love love love Judd’s book. He is pretty amazing!

  7. Aurian

    Wow this is a difficult question! The most dogeared books and such I read year after year again, mostly when I am sick or really tired. Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek (Crusade in Jeans) by Thea Beckman is a childrens book I can’t get enough of. Am reading my second copy in fact.
    The series by Jean Auel are being read every year. I am so grateful that after 30 years, the 6th book will finally be published next spring.
    The riftwar trilogy – the world on the other side – by Janny Wurts and Raymond E. Feist are also so so good. I keep rereading those. I would so love a fourth book in that series! I want to know what will happen with Mara next.
    I also keep rereading the series by Laurell K. Hamilton. It takes longer each time I do that, because she keeps writing (and I hope there will be dozens more books in both series!)
    I keep hoping Elizabeth Lowell writes an other book in her Donovans/Jewels series. There are still some single borthers I believe …

  8. ClaudiGC

    That’s a tough question! 🙂 There are so many books I love! I think my most favorite books are all the books with the Hathaways from Lisa Kleypas, then Julia Quinn’s older books (don’t really like her latest), Lorelei James’ Rough Rider series, Julie James’ books and SEP.

  9. Heather-admin

    Great responses ladies. HMM I think that a certain psy needs a fan club 🙂

    Claudia I love Julie James.

    Aurian we also love that series by Elizabeth Lowell, unfortunately we won’t ever see the conclusion of that series as she left that publisher and so she can’t write that series anymore. The same thing happened when Nora left Shiloutte, she couldn’t finish a couple of the series that she had there.

    Edna a little bird told me that we will get to see much more of Vasic in Kiss of Snow.

  10. Lisa Hutson

    I love my series books. Victoria Alexander, Julia Quinn, Stephanie Laurens, Catherine Coulter ( though I think she ruined the sherbrooke series with that last book, what a stinker!). Fave fave favorite, Mary Balogh Slightly series. All of them have been read over and over. I have so many books like that. Several Eloisa James, Cheryl Holt, on and on….


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