The Claiming of Suzy -

The Claiming of Suzy

The Claiming of Suzy

Kt Grant

This is the second book of KT Grants that I have read and she gets better with each book. In her first book (well first book to me when I think it was actually her second book) we got to meet Suzy and JC.

Suzy Bean is a woman who lives in the moment and loves her overabundant curves. The man she secretly loves, JC Mosino, is the only one who can make her untamed sexual fantasies a reality. After having way too much fun during a party, JC drives her home where their passions ignite. Suzy believes this is night she and JC will go from being friends to lovers. Unfortunately things go awry and Suzy ends up throwing JC out.

Now Suzy’s whole world has been turned upside down. She’s given up smoking and is sexually frustrated when she meets a handsome, flirty stranger, who rubs her the wrong way. This chance meeting is one she’ll never forget, for Mr. Hunk is her new boss, Xavier Marks.

JC’s craving for Suzy is consuming his thoughts, and he wants nothing more than to work things out and become her lover. He has a plan, but has to move fast as Xavier works to seduce Suzy. JC will do whatever he can to claim his brassy, buxom beauty for his own.

Suzy is a plus size woman, now I debated a lot about how I would describe her, but as her weight is an issue for her in the book I have to be fair and say that is not a size 6 heroine. She has always had a thing for JC but because her best friend Mollie did as well she never said a thing, but with Mollie happy in love with Connor she decides to make her move, and it works out well till JC puts his foot in his mouth and makes comment that insults Suzy.

JC has been in love with Suzy for what feels like a lifetime and when he finally gets his chance with her he puts his foot in his mouth, only he can’t figure out what he did wrong and why she won’t return his calls.

Enter in Xavier Suzy’s new boss that is very different from JC and most definitely is interested in Suzy and makes his feelings on the matter very clear.

This book is definitely about Suzy figuring out not only who she wants but also what she wants.

The sex in this book does not disappoint in fact you may have to hose down your computer after reading it, or go jump your significant other which ever appeals to you more.

For me though I enjoyed the characters and how they made the decisions that they do, upon reflection I have to say that I would have been happy with either choice she made, but am glad that she made the choice that she did because we will get another book from KT about the hero that didn’t get chosen (yes I know who it is, and no I am not going to tell you you have to read the book to find out).

If you haven’t given KT a try then I think you should rectify that. Her books are currently only available as ebooks.

Grade B+

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  1. Lisa

    Such a disappointment. I have no ereader. Do not plan to get one. So many books only in e form now. Such a bummer.

  2. Heather

    Fabulous! You gave me a giggle with my java this morning.
    Thanks for reviewing this Decadent Publishing gem. We love it, too!

    Heather Bennett
    Decadent Publishing

  3. Heather-admin

    Lisa- I don’t have an ereader either I read them on the computer.

    Heather – glad that I could brighten your morning. I love KT, and am anxiously awaiting that next book.


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