The Highlander Takes a Bride by Lynsay Sands -

The Highlander Takes a Bride by Lynsay Sands

23432309Title: The Highlander Takes a Bride
Series: Highlanders bk 3
Author: Lynsay Sands
Genre: Historical Romance

Sword fighting, swearing, and riding astride come naturally to Saidh Buchanan. Simpering and holding her tongue—definitely not. Raised alongside seven boisterous brothers, Saidh has little interest in saddling herself with a husband… until she glimpses the new Laird MacDonnell bathing naked in the loch. Though she’s far from a proper lady, the brawny Highlander makes Saidh feel every inch a woman.

She has an angel’s looks, a warrior’s temper, and seeks out his kisses with wanton eagerness. Little wonder that Greer is intrigued by his comely guest. When reckless desire overtakes them, he’s more than willing to make an honest woman of her. But Saidh is the target of a hidden enemy, and Greer faces the battle of his life to safeguard the woman he wants above all others.

Thoughts: I’m a sucker for a well written Scottish historical, point in fact they are one of my absolute favorite romance genre’s to read. So when I say that Lynsay Sands Highlanders series is fan-freaking-tactic you can take it to the bookstore.

This book picks up where To Marry a Scottish Laird ends. Saidh was one of the women who’d been invited to meet Conner before he arrived married.

One of the very many things I love about Sands books are the characters. They are fun, quirky, and get into the most interesting situations. Between Greer and Saidh this book is full of all sorts of interesting adventures, that while I’m tempted to tell them to you I think it would be a lot funner for you to discover yourself. Though I will warn you, reading this book at night in bed with your significant other may get you kicked out of it as your shaking the bed because you’re laughing so hard.

If you’re looking for a fun historical romp through the Scottish Highlands than you won’t want to miss this book.

Grade B+

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1 Comment

  1. Ada

    Love this series!! Lynsay Sands always has great characters!! So looking forward to reading it myself!


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