The King by Tiffany Reisz -

The King by Tiffany Reisz

the kingTitle: The King

Series: The Original Sinners bk 6

Author: Tiffany Reisz

Genre: Erotic Romance

Cunning. Sex. Pure nerve. Only this unholy threesome can raise him to his rightful place as a rule of Manhattan’s king kingdom.

Bouncing from bed to bed on the Upper East Side, Kingsley Edge is brilliant, beautiful and utterly debauched. No carnal act of chemical compound can relieve his self-destructive heartache—only Søren, the one person he loves without limit or regret. A man he can never have, but in whose hands Kingsley is reborn to attain even greater heights of sin.

Kingsley’s plan to open the ultimate BDSM club—a dungeon playground for New York’s A-list—becomes his obsession. His expertise in domination can’t subdue the one man who wants to stop him. The enigmatic Reverend Fuller won’t rest until King’s dream is destroyed, and so the battle lines are set; it’s one man’s sacred mission against another’s.

Thoughts: I’m so completely in love with this series I can’t even express it. I can’t believe I resisted reading it for as long as I did. Søren is one of the absolute best heroes being written today. I honestly didn’t think I could love Kingsley as much as I did Søren, but I was wrong.

This story picks up after The Saint, I’m not sure how much time after, I just know it’s after. Kinglsey stops in London to talk to Grace, because she needs to know about her son just in case. In The Mistress we discovered how Søren and Kingsley met and their relationship developed. Kingsley starts his story with Grace ten years later.

I’m not sure what I was expecting in Kingsley’s story but what we got was soooo not it. In a very good way. So far we’ve had Nora’s POV of what happened during that time, and now we get Kingsley’s. Because he’s so very irreverent I loved him from the get go. He wasn’t ashamed of the choices he’d made in his life, all of them had a purpose.

The one thing he wasn’t expecting however was to walk into his house and see the man he hadn’t seen in years, sitting at the piano no one was allowed to play, playing it. That one thing sets him on a path that changes not only his life, but Søren’s, Nora’s, and all of the other characters we’ve met in the series.

One of my favorite scenes includes a conversation between Kingsley and Søren, where Søren responds to something Kinglsey is whining about with “I’m a priest in love with a sixteen year old.” I loved that, because it was the really the first time we got to see the wit and charm that had Nora and King falling in love with him.

Of all the books in this series, this one just might be my favorite. It’s not a romance like we think about them, but at it’s core it’s all about love. If you’ve ever been tempted to start this series I highly recommend you do it. I know I’m glad I did.

Grade A+


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