Argeneau Series bk 15
Lynsay Sands
Lynsay Sands hits another one out of the ball park in her latest installment of the Argeneau family. I do have to say that I fall a bit in love with Canada every time that I read one of these books.
Harper lost his lifemate, Jenny, during her turn and has blamed himself for her death ever since, so he’s rather happy for the distraction when Tiny and Mirabeau arrive with a young immortal in tow. Stephanie McGill is a young newly turned, immortal who is being hunted by a mad no-fanger named Leonius. When Anders and Drina Argenis (Argeneau) arrive to help, Harper finds himself working with the beautiful young Spanish woman. But things get interesting when Stephanie decides to take on the role of cupid and bring Drina and a reluctant Harper together. How much trouble could a newly turned teenage vamp be?
Drina and Harper are lifemates only Harper doesn’t know it as he is still mourning the loss of his lifemate. Drina is sent to where Harper is staying to help take care of Stephanie a teen-ager that was turned and now has some special issues.
I have to say that Lynsay writes some of the best female characters. None of them are whiny (a GIANT pet peeve of mine), nor do they rush out and do stupid stuff just because. And her male characters well lets just say I haven’t met one I didn’t like.
Drina and Harper have an instant connection that baffles Harper as he is suppose to still be mourning Jenny. Right from the beginning Drina effects Harper. A seemingly innocent shopping trip to Wal-Mart is anything but innocent with Stephanie in tow pulling out sexy underwear, dresses and shoes for Drina to wear and showing them to him. When they finally go on a date to Toronto all he can think about it is the underwear that she may or may not be wearing.
As they share their life histories ( I do have to say that Drina’s is pretty cool) the sexual tension keeps going up, till it is all either of them can do to keep their hands off of each other, and they barely make it out of the restaurant before they take each other on the table. From there on well lets just say that the pages they were a smokin that is until the next morning when Harper figures everything out.
From then on Drina has her work cut out for her as she works to help Harper deal with this new twist of events. Oh and lets not forget a teen-ager that has had her world turned upside down, and has abilities that no one knows what to do with, an incident with a skunk (actually almost peed my pants was laughing so hard at this) and a house full of people.
This is one book that is non-stop from page one and kept glued to my chair and ignoring everything else as I read it because I couldn’t put it down.
If you are a fan of this series than you will love this book.
Grade B+
Other books in this series…
A series I want to start reading one of those days, but never seem to get to.