

18223057Title: The Scandalous Adventures of the Sister of the Bride
Series: Millworth Manor bk 3
Author: Victoria Alexander
Genre: Historical Romance
Blurb:The bride and groom cordially request the presence of…

The bride’s sister, Delilah, the very proper widowed Lady Hargate, and Samuel Russell, the groom’s friend, a very eligible, slightly improper bachelor, at their upcoming wedding.

Lady Hargate and Mr. Russell, previously acquainted during one unforgettable night in New York City when caution—and clothing—were thrown to the wind will choose to pretend they have never met before.

The lady plans to avoid love and its complications at all costs. The gentleman intends to change her mind.

Guests are invited to enjoy the many diversions of Millworth Manor—delightful grounds, lavish drawing rooms, secluded corners—and the chance to discover that one night may have been only the beginning. 

The Scandalous Adventures of the Sister of the Bride is such a handful to say when people asked me what book was I reading, yet for some reason, very easy to remember; so bravo Miss Alexander for the clever title.  I love this book and was totally disappointed at the ending.  Let me tell you why.

Lady Delilah Hargate, when she was in America decided to have an adventure, of the scandalous kind.  But after her adventure was over she told her companion in no uncertain terms that it would be best if they never saw each other again.  Seeing as she thought she’ll never see him again, since he is an American and she lives in England, that she was safe.  Boy was she surprised when he showed up three weeks before her sister’s wedding and worse yet, he’s a dear friend of the groom and is a guest.

Samuel Russell on the other hand, felt a special connection with this lady and since he cannot get her out of his mind, he decided to arrive in England earlier than expected.  Imagine to his surprise when he learned who she really was and that he was less than welcomed greeting from Delilah.

Now that these two has come together again Delilah wants to act like they never saw each other whilst Samuel wants nothing more to pick up where they left off.  Can these two get what they both want when they are both more stubborn than a mule.  You’ve got to read to find out.

At first I did not like Delilah, she was a proper lady.  She was mean, rude and annoying but as the book went along I realized that it was not her fault and that ladies who are prim and proper needs love too, but oh my goodness, do they have to be so stubborn about it.

Victoria Alexander has written a truly humorous and fun book to read that had me disappointed at the end because it was a bout to end.  I wished it could have gone on more,(sigh) but that is the drawback of books, they have to end at some point.  

I cannot wait to read another book from Miss Victoria, she has risen my try something new bar really high.

Thoughts: It ended to soon
Grade: A+

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  1. lorainediaz49

    Great review I love these kinds of books!!!

  2. Sharlene Wegner

    Oh, I almost didn’t finish your review when you said you were disappointed in the end! I have been looking forward to reading this & didn’t want to hear anything bad about it! LOL! Glad I read on & you clarified your statement. I picked this up the other day & hope to get to it soon.


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