‘Tis The Season…..for Holiday Books! -

‘Tis The Season…..for Holiday Books!

With the weather getting colder, and the holidays quickly approaching, holiday books are making their rounds with the readers!  What are your favorites for the holidays??  I would love to discover some “new” favorites for the holiday season!  A lot of my favorites are old paperback novels from the classic Loveswept series, and from some of the older Harlequin and Silhouette titles.  Probable because they are some of the first I ever read!  I’m going to list a few of them here…maybe a few of you will remember them!  But fair warning – most of these aren’t available for the kindle!!

6560242The Littlest Matchmaker is just one of those sweetly endearing titles, about overcoming tragedy and finding happiness again.  This is one of my favorite Christmas reads every year…:)

Blurb for The Littlest Matchmaker:  Do you still believe in…Everywhere Julie Casswell turned, she saw glittering reminders of Christmas–and the child she had lost. Desperate to be alone, she headed for a mountain cabin. Then her car skidded on an icy road….A little angel watched from above. She had to save her mommy–and give her a reason to live again….Was Julie dreaming, or had sleigh bells filled the frosty air? Was she really being rescued–by Santa Claus? The bearded stranger was young and handsome, with twinkling eyes and a magical smile.  By some miracle, he’d found Julie just in the nick of time. Now somehow, someway, he’d make her smile again. Or his name wasn’t Chris Kringle!

Buy link:  The Littlest Matchmaker

ME-Dec1995-0553444662My True Love Gave To Me is another sweet title by Marcia Evanick.  After all, there’s nothing like being courted during the Christmas season!

Blurb for My True Love Gave To Me:  He was the perfect present: six feet two inches of pure hunk material, poured into one gorgeous mold!  When she awakened Christmas morning, Megan Lamaine gazed, astonished, at the pear tree — with a partridge — in her backyard! Then Tate Brady came courting, seducing her senses during it dozen days of enchantment. Could the mysterious secret Santa who’d helped her face her demons bind her to him with golden rings that promised her his heart and soul forever?  With this tale of love as magical as a Christmas miracle, Marcia Evanick has created a romance to cherish for always! Could a phantom admirer with a delightful plan to woo and win his lady convince her she was the angel he longed to find under his tree?

Buy link:  My True Love Gave To Me

695295One of my favorite old titles is  Knight’s Possession by Carole Mortimer.  This is an old favorite of mine that I love just about any time of the year, and I have read and re-read it more times than I can count!

Blurb for Knight’s Possession:  Could he slay all her dragons?  After years of watching her mother’s gullible heart drive her from one man to the next, Laurel had decided to marry, for sensible reasons. She didn’t believe in fairy tales, knights in shining armor and happy endings.  Still, she discovered a champion the night her fiance broke their engagement. She was grateful when her stepbrother, Reece, announced to the party of well-wishers, “Laurel has realized she can’t marry Giles, because she loves me.”  In private, however, Reece became a threat. “I’m looking for love. You’re avoiding it,” he accused – as if he’d sighted a dragon, after all.

Buy link:  Knight’s Possession

91SRPF1E3ZL._SL1500_But for those of you looking to feed your kindle NOW….here is a more modern release for you.  After reading Kinked by Thea Harrison, I have become an instant fan of hers!  So I was excited to see this new Christmas novella up!

Blurb for Dragos Takes A Holiday:  The Bermuda Triangle. Pirates. The Peanut. What could possibly go wrong?  Dragos Cuelebre needs a vacation. So does Pia, his mate. When the First Family of the Wyr head to Bermuda for some much needed R&R, it’s no ordinary undertaking – and no ordinary weekend in the sun. Between hunting for ancient treasure buried beneath the waves and keeping track of their son, Liam—a.k.a. Peanut, whose Wyr abilities are manifesting far ahead of schedule—it’s a miracle that Pia and Dragos can get any time together.  They’re determined to make the most of each moment, no matter who tries to get in their way. And did we mention pirates?

Buy link:  Dragos Takes A Holiday

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