Top 5 Erotic Romance Reads of 2013 -

Top 5 Erotic Romance Reads of 2013

This is a genre that is either a major hit or a major miss when it comes to stories and the characters. This year our list is all over the place, and what one reviewer classifies as ER another one doesn’t. One author however made it onto 2 lists, and for 2 different books in the same series.  


  1. Drawn Together by Lauren Dane
  2. Beyond Pain by Kit Rocha
  3. The Marriage Diaries by Erika Wilde
  4. Hotter than Ever by Elle Kennedy
  5. Rocky Mountain Freedom by Vivian Arend


  1. Strings by Kendall Grey
  2. Beats by Kendall Grey
  3. Conviction by Nicole Edwards
  4. The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton
  5. Sweet Surrender by Maya Banks


  1. Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
  2. Own the Wind by Kristen Ashley
  3. Rush by Maya Banks
  4. Fever by Maya Banks
  5. Beyond Control by Kit Rocha

Now that we’ve shared our favorite ER books with you, tell us some of yours?


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  1. patoct

    I don’t care for the erotica books but
    I have skimmed the first 2 Shades of Grey series and did not care for them – read the last one which actually had a story, but not my kind of book. I just had to see how it ended.

    Don’t know if Jaci Burton’s sport series stories are considered erotica – probably not but but have enjoyed those. I also enjoyed Lauren Dane’s Never Enough – what a cover.

    That is about it for me in that genre.

    I am basically a straight contemp type reader – no vamp, werewolf, time travel, etc.

  2. Karen T.

    Yes, some books could go either way. I mostly read suspense books and have tried The Shades of Gray series and read a few of the same type by some different authors, cannot even remember who, and for me I had enough and prefer to stick to my suspense. To each his own. I do also like the Burton sports books, and like Patoct said, they probably would not be considered erotic. To each his own, I say. LOL.

  3. marcyshuler

    I’ve read the first book in The Marriage Diaries by Erika Wilde, so far. I do own the others but haven’t read them yet.

    I also really liked Unbound by Cara McKenna.

  4. gmapeony

    I have never read an erotic book; from what I have heard I do not think I would enjoy reading them. So sorry, I cannot help you out with a list.


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