Unchained by Caris Roane -

Unchained by Caris Roane

cover52450-smallTitle:  Unchained

Series:  Men In Chains Book #3

Author:  Caris Roane

Genre:  Romance/Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Blurb:   ABDUCTED…Stalked by a vampire. Stolen in the night. Seduced by a lover. Anthropology student Shayna Prentiss wakes up to find herself trapped in a world she never knew existed—with a man she cannot escape…nor resist.

ENSLAVED…Drawn to her beauty. Driven by lust. Doomed by his destiny. The vampire Marius knows he must bond with this captivating mortal with hidden powers…or both their races will be destroyed forever.

UNCHAINED…Bound by a blood chain that seals their fates together, Marius and Shayna must stand and fight the ultimate enemy—a madman hell-bent on destruction who will test every ounce of their strength, their power, and their passion. When the final weapon is unleashed, will their love remain unbroken? Or will darkness shatter their chains…for eternity?

Thoughts:  I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. This was my first book by the author, but I enjoyed her take on vampires and her creation of this ‘world’, as well as the development of the characters. I liked the new twists she put on things, although the book won’t be for everyone.   There are some things that aren’t explained fully, some things about the characters that have you just questioning their actions, and then some things that are just so far-fetched that even I had a hard time overlooking it. While I usually don’t like to spoil things for anyone, I felt it pertinent to at least share this detail: Marius at one point uses one of his vamp skills to separate his self into two ‘selves’ (usually a skill reserved for battle, enabling him to fight and be in two places as once) – but in this instance he separates and engages in a ménage with Shayna. While on one hand, I found it kindof weird, on the other I also had to admire the author’s creativity….so, I was a little on the fence about it. Far-fetched, and definitely not for all readers….but definitely a sign of a creative writer.

Is it perfect? No. But overlooking the imperfections, I still immensely enjoyed this title. Something about it was just so compelling – so much so that I was willing to overlook the imperfections and just enjoy the story. The characters, the creativity, and the story are well worth the read. I am curious to read more from this series, and more from this author.

Rate:  A-/B+

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