Underneath It All by Kate Canterbary -

Underneath It All by Kate Canterbary

underneath-GRTitle:  Underneath It All

Series:  The Walshes Book #1

Author:  Kate Canterbary

Genre:  Contemporary

Blurb:  Lauren…It’s all the little things—the action plans, the long-kept promises—that started falling apart when my life slipped into controlled chaos.  After I met Matthew Walsh.  I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to run screaming or rip his pants off, and most days I wanted a little of both. If I was being honest with myself, it was rip his pants off, ride him like a workhorse, and then run screaming.
Matthew…A rebellious streak ran through Lauren Halsted. It was fierce and unrelentingly beautiful, and woven through too many good girl layers to count, and she wasn’t letting anyone tell her what to do.  Unless, of course, she was naked.   She wasn’t looking for me and I sure as shit wasn’t looking for her, but we found each other anyway and now we were locked in a battle of wills, waiting for the other to blink.   Sometimes the universe conspires to bring people together. Other times, it throws people down a flight of stairs and leaves them in a bruised and bloodied heap

ThoughtsIf I had known I’d have a hot architect balls deep inside of me before the end of the weekend, I’d have made time for a pedicure…Now, who’s attention wouldn’t be caught with that very first sentence?  That attention grabbing sentence was obviously meant to do just that, and it worked!  Unfortunately, the rest of it failed to really deliver – at least for me.  I just wasn’t feeling the characters at all, didn’t feel the connection, and there were just things that bugged me.  For instance, going on and on about Lauren and her teaching, for example, but then turning around and – for what feels like forever! -going on and on about her dad’s military career, which for the most part didn’t seem pertinent to the story at all.  I get that she is a military brat, but to me it just felt thrown in there and the timing of it seemed to detract from the story from me from her actual job – teaching.  I also never really got her whole issue against relationships and why she felt she couldn’t have one and her teaching career, too.  Her resistance against it didn’t make any sense, and Matthew putting up with it made even less so.  Perhaps it’s just me, but I didn’t love it, and I didn’t hate it either….it just never really seemed to come together fully for me.

Rate:  C+


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