Undertow -



Cutter Cay bk 1

Cherry Adair

I love the men and women of Cherry Adair, so when I saw that she had a new book I could hardly wait to get my hands on it. Here is a link to the amazing page about this book.

She Takes the Plunge: Teal Williams is content with her career as a ship’s master mechanic—until Zane Cutter, the “Casanova of the Caribbean,” makes her an offer she can’t refuse: climb on board with him for a real-life treasure hunt.  Teal simply has to help him dredge up a shipwrecked vessel containing an abundance of gold, silver and emeralds—and she’ll claim part of the prize.

He’s Blown Off Course: Zane needs a mechanic who can also dive—not a lover—and Teal is perfect for the job.  So it suits him just fine that Teal is completely immune to his charms…or so he tells himself.  But with a deadly enemy in their midst—an enemy who’s silently edging closer—Zane and Teal sink into treacherous  troubled waters.  They have no one to turn to but each other as they face down a danger that runs unfathomably deep—and a passion that runs even deeper…

There was so much about this book that I liked, that narrowing it down to that one thing is really hard. Both Teal and Zane are very likable characters that are more than they seem, especially to each other.

Zane created an image of himself that isn’t who he really is when he was a teenager, and he likes the image because it allows him to do what he wants to do most of all and that is to hunt for treasure. Well and enjoy women, although he hasn’t enjoyed nearly as many women as people think, which is fine by fine. What he doesn’t count on is Teal. he has know her most of her life and finds her to be one contrary female, he is absolutely positive that he isn’t attracted to her at all.

Teal is one of the best female characters that I have read in a while. She knows what she is, just not who she is. She feels like she has never loved for who she is, and can’t figure out why her father would recommend her for this job, and yet want nothing to do with her. On top of all that she has to deal with Zane, the man that she has been in love with for most of her life, and has caused her more heartache that she thinks he is worth.

I loved watching these two interact. The snarky banter between them was great, and when they finally get around to acting on the sexual tension that is so thick between them it was finally, now lets see how you both deal with it. On top of all this is a mystery and then a dangerous threat to what Zane has been working on for years.

All in all a great story. As soon as I finished it I immediatly wanted more of this series, and to know what was going on with the other brothers, and a call that Zane gets from one of his brothers while in the middle of his own crisis.

This was a perfect start to this new series, as well as bringing back a favorite T-Flac character of mine. If you are a fan of the T-Flac series and all it’s off shoots than you will immediately love this book. I know that I did.

Grade A-

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  1. Lisa Hutson

    Never read her before. Maybe I will have to give her a try?

  2. Aurian

    I love this author, and am sooo wanting this book to drop on my doormat! I had it pre-ordered months ago.

  3. admin (Post author)

    Aurian, this book is definitely worth the wait.

    Lisa, you should definitely pick her up. I have read almost all of her books and loved them all.

  4. Linda

    This will be my next book to read; I’ve been waiting for the release. This author is in my top ten authors. I met her in New Orleans years ago at a convention and remember her bowl of cherries!

  5. Mandi

    By far my favorite author! I have now read everything that she has written and am always anxiously awaiting her next release! This along with the rest of her collection are MUST reads!


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