Whisper Kiss -

Whisper Kiss

Whisper Kiss

Dragonfire bk 5
Deborah Cooke

For millennia, the shape-shifting dragon warriors known as the Pyr have commanded the four elements and guarded the earth’s treasures. But now the final reckoning between the Pyr and the dreaded Slayers is about to begin… Niall Talbot has volunteered to hunt down and destroy all the remaining shadow dragons before they can wreak more havoc. But fate has placed him in the hands of Rox, an unconventional tattoo artist who doesn’t even flinch when a shape-shifting dragon warrior suddenly appears on her doorstep. And as a woman who follows her heart in matters of passion, she makes the perfect mate for a firestorm with Niall…

I am a huge fan of this series and so when a friend sent us a bunch of books that she wasn’t going to get to she sent along this one and I was so glad.

Niall is one of those people that is very very responsible. He has a mission and nothing and no one is going to detract from that, especially not a firestorm. A firestorm is where their mates are revealed to them.

Rox on the surface is Niall’s complete opposite, however once they get to know each other they can both see how their firestorm actually got it right. They just have a boat load of issues to work through, then again what would a romance book be without issues for the couple.

Regardless of whether you have read any of the books in this series this is a great read, it keeps you interested from page one and you can’t put it down till the end. This is one of those rare series in my opinion where the series gets better with each book.

If you like dragons, good vs evil, saving the earth by that I mean going green and saving the environment than you will love this book.

I give this book a 4.5 out 5

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