Whisper of Shadows by Diana Pharaoh Francis -

Whisper of Shadows by Diana Pharaoh Francis

cover87646-mediumTitle:    Whisper of Shadows

Series:  Diamond City Magic Book #3

Author:  Diana Pharaoh Francis

Genre:  Urban Fantasy, Romance

Blurb:   War is coming . . .

When the FBI uses an anti-magic law to arrest and torture Riley’s boyfriend, they have no idea what hell they are about to unleash. If Riley can’t rescue Clay before he breaks, the result will be a disaster of epic proportions.

With time running out, Riley and her family must rely on two people more likely to stab them in the back than actually help. And, even if Riley manages the rescue, she’s still got to deal with two kidnappings and the return of her dad from the dead–the same dad who’d been willing to see her dead to protect his secrets.

What’s a girl to do? Kick ass, take names, and protect those she cares about at all costs.

Thoughts:  I first discovered Diana Pharaoh Francis with Trace of Magic, the first book in this series and I was suitably impressed.  (You can check out that review here:  Trace of Magic)  I fell in love with Trace of Magic, the interesting magical world that the author developed, and the fascinating characters she created.  I was eager to read the next, Edge of Dreams, although I have to say that I did not enjoy it nearly as much as book one.  I was a little worried about this installment, although I did not hesitate to pick it up and give it a try.  And I absolutely loved it!

The story is complex, original, and very, very creative.  While it didn’t quite hit the mark like Trace of Magic, it came pretty darn close to it!  I was fascinated until the very end and eagerly turned the pages, desperate to see how the story went.  Riley is as strong as ever, always testing herself and her limits, particularly when it comes to helping those she loves.  Riley always thinks outside the box and that is what I really love about her character – it is not that she is indestructible or immune to injury, it is just that she is able to puzzle out her situation, follow her instincts, and take the risks needed to overcome the odds.  We definitely see a lot of that from her in this book – and also bear witness to her limitations.

This series is very definitely meant to be read in order.  Not only do the books build off of one another, but it is necessary to really gain an understanding of the ‘world’ that Riley and her friends live in.

Rate:  A

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