Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks -

Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks

Title: Wild About You

Series: Love at Stake bk 13

Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Genre: Paranormal

Handsome Howard…
Hunky Howard…
Hot Howard…

It’s not every day that Elsa Bjornberg feels delicate, not when she hosts a home renovation show where she can effortlessly demolish a kitchen. But from the moment she meets Howard Barr, this bear of a man makes her feel like a woman. And the way he looks at her, as if she were a pot of honey he’d like to lick…

Howard is not like most men. For one thing, he’s a shapeshifter. And he always thought his celebrity crush would never amount to anything more than drooling at Elsa on TV. When his meddling vampire employer gets involved, the star is suddenly within his grasp—and within a hair of her life. For an ancient curse forbids their newfound love, and Howard is suddenly torn between his desire for her and his desire to keep her alive.

Ever since I discovered this series I haven’t wanted to know more about Howard and it is finally time to discover more about him.

One of the things I like about this series is the humor and angst that always happens  in these books and let me tell you there was those moments in this book.

Howard has always been on of those characters who is there but that we don’t know much about.  All of that changes however in this book.

Howard is haunted by events that happened when he was a teenager that shaped the rest of his life. While he wasn’t happy about living in exile he was content because he thought the person responsible for his exile was dead. When he discovers that to be a lie all bets are off. He’s now determined to rectify what happened to his family.

He’s also been harboring a secret tv crush on Elsa, a woman strong enough to handle his bear.

Elsa hasn’t had an easy life, but she’s ok with where her life is at. That is until she meets Howard and then all bets are off. When her aunts show up determined to keep them apart because of something had happened so far in the past no one was sure what exactly happened between Elsa’s ancestors and Howard’s.

The odds for these two seemed insurmountable, and both Howard and Elsa are determined to protect the other one by staying away, even as they are drawn to each other. With the help of Howard’s meddling cousins, and Shanna Howard’s boss the two are given times they swear they will cherish forever as they part.

One of the things I love most about this series is the humor and angst that happens not only to the main characters, but also that happen as a direct result of the interference of the other characters, and there is plenty of that in Wild About You.

We also get to see more of the struggle that Shanna is having adjusting to being a vampire, and her mom’s struggle as well.

If there is one thing I would like to see it’s Shanna’s brother show up. He’s been mentioned in past books but we haven’t seen him.

Overall this was an excellent addition to this series, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Grade B+

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1 Comment

  1. aurian

    Ooo this sounds very good, but book 13 already? I am sooo behind! I only have read 2 books, and have the first 8.


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