Wild Ride by Juliette Jones -

Wild Ride by Juliette Jones

81bHC2lcy3L._SL1500_Title:  Wild Ride (novella)

Series:  N/A

Author:  Juliette Jones

Genre:  Erotic/Romance

BlurbFor Lacey Callihan, things couldn’t get much worse. She’s working a dead-end job, living with a dead-end boyfriend and stuck in a dead-end town. When Lacey’s boyfriend steals her life savings and hits her for questioning him, it’s the last straw. She skips town in her rustheap of a car – which she can only pray will get her as far as Texas. And it does. Spluttering to a final stop just as she crosses the border. But when two ultra-hot cowboys pull up in their convertible red Mustang and offer her a ride, Lacey has a feeling her luck is about to change …

Thoughts:  I was pretty eager to start reading this one – after all, it sounds like a fun, yet steamy read.  Unfortunately, it was not quite what I hoped for.  I hate to say, but it was very cliché and wildly unbelievable.  Lacey (who is so afraid of life that she picks staying with her loser of a boyfriend, rather than face filling out financial forms to go to college) has settled.  She settled for a dead-end job, settled for the way her boyfriend treats her, settled for just…everything.  She finally has just had enough and finally leaves, only to break down and get picked up by two guys.  She has no qualms about getting in the car, no qualms about climbing over the seat and sitting in one of the guys lap, and no qualms about anything else.  Just wildly far-fetched and unbelievable.  I just didn’t buy it, and it was difficult to really connect with the story and the characters.

Rate:  D+/C-

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