WoW Sunday -

WoW Sunday

Okay so when we went to the huge Rugby tournament Melanie got the sunburn to beat all sunburns. She has since discovered that she is allergic to the sun. When Mat got a look at her face he went WOOO what happened to your face, we told him told you she was vampire. So at dinner he looks at her and asks where her fangs are, she goes I am a vegetarian vampire, like the Cullens, I leaned over and told him like Edward, he looks at her goes….

Nuhuh, you can’t run that fast!!

We both about died laughing.

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  1. Lisa Hutson

    Guessing Mat is a son, not husband? LOL Hope Melanie is feeling better. Sunburns are the worst!

  2. Heather-admin

    yeah, he is my youngest son. Mike is my husband, Mel’s brother, and we have Mikhail (Mike) and Mat.


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