WoW Sunday -

WoW Sunday

If you live in the US then you know that this week-end is Memorial Week-end and most of us have a 3 day week-end. What most don’t know is the reason that we have this holiday. This week-end we remember and honor our fallen soldiers. Men and women that have died to preserve our way of life.  When I was looking for a quote for today I ran across this and thought it was completely perfect.

And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood


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  1. Aurian

    What a great quote! Here in Holland we celebrete our freedom on May 5th, and mourn out death, the soldiers that have died since world war II on May 4th.

  2. Lisa Hutson

    That song is the ring tone for my Army son. 🙂 We are blessed and so lucky here. Volunteer army and the best on the planet. We must always remember the sacrifices of so many. God Bless Them All.


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