WoW Sunday -

WoW Sunday

Where were you on that September morn..

I know exactly where I was, we had just gotten off the freeway on our way to work. Melanie called us to see if we were listening to the radio. She told us to turn it on as a plane had just crashed into the towers. We immediately turned it on and listened. We kept the radio on all the way to work. We were listening as the plane in PA went down. It seemed like the the world we knew had just stopped on it’s axis. A couple of hours later we get a phone call, Mike and Melanie’s uncle had gotten out okay. What!? Their uncle had been in a meeting in the Pentagon when the plane hit.

When I thought about what to write for our WoW Sunday I knew that I wanted it to be something to pay tribute to those that lost their lives on that day.

The only thing that came to mind was the song Where were you, and then I saw this post today from a mom, soldier, and author Jessica Scott and I knew that I had to share her thoughts on 9/11. Her thoughts are so today I’m sending you over to her site to read what she’s written.

So today when if you are out and about and you see a fireman, or a police officer or a soldier tell then thank you. Thank you for going into buildings that people are running out of. Thank you for putting your life on the line to make sure that me and mine are safe.

September 11, 2001 didn’t break us it made us stronger.

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  1. Kim in Hawaii

    Thanks for the link – Jessica’s comments hit home. I live on a military base and I am reminded of the constant sacrifice of our military families. And 9/11 did make us stronger.

  2. Lisa Hutson

    I always shake their hand and say thank you. They are often surprised. But not always! Which proves it wasnt the first time for them! We are a blessed and lucky nation that has so many such people.


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