WoW Sunday -

WoW Sunday

January 1st is a day that brings endless possibilities to the new year. It’s a day to reflect back on the previous year and to look forward to the new one. Here at The Book Reading Gals 2011 was a great year for us. We were joined by Angela and Janon, traveled to Denver for RomCon, was able to talk to one of our literary icons on the phone for an hour, had most of our favorite authors on and the best part we got to read and share the books we love.

We are looking forward to 2012 with a lot of excitement one of them being we are being joined by another Book Reading Gal Elise and her love books. We have new authors and old favorites coming on and once again we will be heading to Denver, and the best part once again is we get to read and share the books we love with you.

We hope that 2012 is a great year for everyone!

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1 Comment

  1. aurian

    I wish you all a great, happy and healthy 2012, with lots of amazing books to read, and lots of blogging fun.


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