5 KU Authors you NEED to check out. -

5 KU Authors you NEED to check out.

As an avid reader I’m constantly on the lookout for new authors to read. I’ve had a library card for more than 40 years. I love the library. But when then pandemic hit, and the libraries were closed I realized I needed to use another avenue to find those hidden jems. I’ve had a KU (kindle unlimited) subscription for years and have used it off and on, but never on a consistent basis.

Until this last year. And let me tell you I have discovered some amazing series and authors on it. So today I’ve going to share 5 authors who I think everyone needs to be checking out on KU.

  1. Jaymin Evie. Jaymin writes everything from Space Opera to Shifters and is absolutely amazing. I’ve read her entire backlist in the last year and eagerly wait her next series. Check her out on her site http://www.jaymineve.com
  2. Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliot. I’ve loved Drake for years and only discovered Elliot when she started writing with Drake. They write m/m and let me just tell you that these men are AMAZING! They have two series Unbreakable Bonds and the spin-off Ward Security and these books, especially the Ward Security are like comfort reads to me. You should check them out at www.jocelynndrake.com and http://rindaelliott.com/
  3. Elin Peer. I was introduced to her last year at the beginning of the pandemic when my girlfriend told me I need to read her. So I read her entire backlist in one month and I was hooked. She has everything from dystopia to contemporary. You can find her at www.elinpeer.com
  4. Michelle Dinier. Someone recommended Dinier when I asked for good space opera after I had just binge read all of Jessie Mihalik. They weren’t lying. I’ve been consumed with reading everything she’s written for the last month. Her space opera’s are amazing.
  5. Lili Zander and Lee Savino. I actually discovered them on one those massive free books lists, and was ecstatic when I discovered them on KU. They write this amazing space opera series that is one of my new all time favorites. Its a shifter/space opera series combing my two favorite genres. You can find them at www.leesavino.com and www.lilizander.com

So if you’re looking for some great reads this summer I can not recommend these 5 authors enough.

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