Baiting Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Title: Baiting Him
Series: How to Catch An Alpha Book #2
Stand alone: yes
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds
Genre: Romance
Blurb: Chrissie doesn’t have time for guys, hot or otherwise; most days, she barely has time to sleep. With a thriving bakery that demands her attention and plenty of proof that relationships aren’t worth the trouble, she’s content to go it alone. Too bad she’s unwittingly baited Mr. Tall, Dark, and Way Too Gorgeous—and he’s just waiting for a chance to bite.

Gaston is used to getting what he wants, but he also knows nothing good ever comes easy. From the moment he meets Chrissie, he realizes that this woman who makes him laugh, smells like cupcakes, and looks like a tasty snack is going to be his greatest challenge. And if he’s lucky, she’ll be his biggest reward.

But someone else wants to catch Gaston at all costs—even if it means endangering the lives of the people he loves. Somehow Gaston must thwart danger and convince Chrissie that he’s the perfect catch.

Favorite Quote(s)/Excerpt(s): “I sell cakes and cookies and stuff, not sex toys. So you can get that look off your face.”

Thoughts: Baiting Him was just an endearing read….Aurora Rose Reynolds has a way of writing that is just charming. The characters are realistic with little quirks of their personalities that just bring them to life for the reader. Storylines are also realistic, making feel like I’m reading about actual people. I just really love the clarity that’s brought forth with each book. There are some one liners too that just make you laugh. Frankly, with this author you always get an enjoyable read.


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