Double Time by Olivia Cunning

Title: Double Time

Series: Sinner’s on Tour bk 5

Author: Olivia Cunning

Genre: Contemporary Erotic

After falling head over heels in love with Reagan Elliot, the perfect woman for him, Sinners’ rhythm guitarist, Trey Mills, vows to give up his bisexual ways forever.  When an obsessed fan threatens Reagan, she hires her friend, Ethan, to protect her while on tour.  Falling for his girlfriend’s bodyguard,  a guy, was never on Trey’s agenda.  Will he have to choose between them, or can he have the best of both worlds?

Ok confession time. I waited until after the second book in this series was out before I read the Back Stage Pass. As soon as I finished that book I immediately wanted the rest of the series and was completely bummed when the other books weren’t out and not even listed.

Over all I really liked this story. The relationship between Trey, Reagan and Elliot has a progression that is very believable for the kind of story the author tells. I was completely engaged in the book and was rooting for all three of them to make their relationship work.

However there was one major thing that kept pulling me out of the story and that was the reference to the other band mates wives/women because at the time that this book comes out only 2 people have meet their wives, Brian and Sed. Every time they were mentioned and things that had to do with their stories I felt like I was missing something.

According to Goodreads this is book 3, however in the story time line this is book 5. I don’t understand why this book was released before books 3 and 4 as it takes a lot away from story and leaves the reader feeling lost and missing a crucial part of the story.

Because of this I can’t give the book a good grade and I honestly recommend waiting to read this book until after the other books come out so that you understand what has happened and why things are going the way the are.

I will say this though that if Ms Cunning does it right this book sets it up for a spin-off with Reagan’s band-mates.

Grade B

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1 Comment

  1. Patti (Loves FAB Romance)

    I just finished Double Time and really liked it, but like you, I hated that we were already revisiting characters we hadn’t met yet. Bad move on the publisher’s part; I can’t imagine why they did that.

    And I also thought this was a good set up for stories about the Exodus End guys 🙂


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