Fan Letter Blog Crawl -

Fan Letter Blog Crawl

A while age Mel and I got an email about this really cool event going on saying that it sounded like something that we would be up for. So I sent of the email saying sure we would love to particiapte. I remember being that teenage girl writing fan letters to (ok about to date us but hey age is relative right) Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block and a few others. Only now it would be to an author.

The Blog crawl started on the 1st and as I have gone and read each of the letters I decided that I had to share this list with you guys so that you can keep up. There is a button on the sidebar linking to the master list over on Kassa’s site.

June 1st http://www.krisngoodbooks.blogspot.com (letter to Georgette Heyer with cleverly hidden ode to Sir Terry)

June 13th My Friend Amy
June 14th Tam’s Reads
June 18th Smexy Books


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1 Comment

  1. Aurian

    I have read the first two fan letters, as I am a follower of Leontine’s blog. Liked it a lot. Thank for the complete list, I’ll be sure to check them all out. Who will your fan letters be for?


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