Getting Lucky by Erin Nicholas

25408637Title:  Getting Lucky

Series:  Sapphire Falls #5

Author:  Erin Nicholas

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   TJ Bennett knows one thing for certain—being in love isn’t for him. Been there, done that, has the scars to prove it.

But that’s before he meets colorful, sweet, slightly-kooky Hope Daniels.

Hope is only in town temporarily. She simply wants to have a cup of coffee with the father she’s never known. That’s it. She doesn’t need to buy any Father’s Day cards or have a date for any Father-Daughter dances. She just wants to have a conversation with the man who stole her mother’s heart twenty six summers ago in Sapphire Falls.

But when her directions lead her to TJ’s house instead, everything becomes a lot more complicated… and a lot more interesting.
Because there’s nothing like a big gruff introvert to push this extrovert’s let-me-make-it-all-better buttons.

All of TJ’s plans to stay uninvolved and out of her way evaporate quickly and before he knows it, Hope’s got him thinking differently about everything—family, home, heartbreak and maybe, just maybe, the fact that he’s never actually been in love… before now.

ThoughtsGetting Lucky is a great addition to the Sapphire Falls series. It’s no secret that this series has not been at the top of my list when it comes to Erin’s books. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of a series built around a small town. It’s just my own personal feeling that I think this series lacks a little something that just makes it distinctly Erin. Or at least it did! That all changed with the last book, Getting It All (you can catch that review here: Getting It All Review). That one really pulled me in and was a turning point in this series for me. Not only did I LOVE that book, but it made me anxious to read TJ’s story, so I was quite looking forward to Getting Lucky.

I have to admit, the blurb had me a little hesitant – ‘slightly-kooky’ made me think that Hope was going to be like Phoebe from Getting Worked Up (book #2), and I have to say she is just not my favorite person in this series. As luck would have it, Hope is quite a different character and I really enjoyed both her and TJ – and poor TJ is just caught completely off guard by free spirit Hope! It was reading the development of his character – going from wanting absolutely nothing to do with, her, get her out of her as fast as we can to not being willing to accept her leaving him. That really made this one well worth the read. Not to mention that TJ was such an interesting character, being so willing to stand by and support people that he knew were only using him – a really special guy is our TJ.

This one falls as my second favorite in this series, right behind Getting It All. Definitely a great addition to the series!

Rate:  A


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