Highland Heat

Highland Heat
Book 3 Highland Series
By Mary Wine
Release date 03/11



Ruined, betrayed, and banished…

As brave as she is impulsive, Deidre Chattan’s tendency to follow her heart and not her head has finally tarnished her reputation beyond repair. But when powerful Highland Laird Quinton Cameron finds her, he could care less about her past—it’s her future he’s about to change forever…

But it’s never too late for redemption…

From the moment Quinton sets eyes on Deidre Chattan, rational thought vanishes, for in her eyes he sees a fiery spirit that matches his own and he’ll be damned if he’ll let such a wild Scottish rose wither under the weight of a nun’s habit…

With nothing left to lose, Deidre and Quinton band together to protect king and crown. But what they can accomplish alone is nothing compared to what they can build with their passion for each other.



Do you ever have those books that sound so good to read but than you struggle to get through them?  That’s the problem I had with this one.  It has been on my nightstand and I have been trying to read it for weeks, every time I picked it up I would fall asleep before I even finished a page.  Finally got to where I was only reading the “conversation” between the characters just to see what would happen.  When that did not work I would just randomly turn sections of pages read a line and was able to figure out what was going on.  Needless to say I was not invested in this book at all.

I am normally a sucker for anything to do with Highlanders so jumped on the chance to read this one.  Overall I felt it was predictable and whenever there was a chance for the author to add a little dimension into the book it would just fall flat.



Grade D


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  1. Aurian

    I am sorry you didn’t like the book, the blurb does sound ok. Never read anything by this author.

  2. Lisa Hutson

    So glad for this review. I am a sucker for ‘highland, scottish’ books. They seem to be everywhere again suddenly. Or maybe it is just me. Perhaps I will stick with authors more familiar. This kind of book could be a dud real easy.


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