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Review: Born of Legend by Sherrilyn Kenyon

The League Book 9

Available Now

ISBN: 1250082749

About This Book

It is in the darkest hours of a universe’s past that their legends are born and their heroes rise…

No one knows exactly how much heart they have until their mettle is put to the hazard and they reach the lowest point of hell. There, they have only two choices. Lie down and die. Or find the strength to push themselves to their feet and fight back with everything they have.

Dagger is the alias that is used by Ushara’s husband, and the father of the twins, who is on the run for his life. This is his story and shows how he became a member of the Tavali and what happens to them after Born of Betrayal ends.

Thoughts: Where to start? When it comes to redeeming those characters we despise and making us love them Kenyon is the master.

When I came to this series it was

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