by Sophie Jordan Release date 12/1/10
What should a proper lady do when she believes her days are numbered?
Step One: Take a Lover . . .
After being told she will not survive beyond the year’s end, prim and lovely Marguerite Laurent intends to live what remains of her life to the very fullest. Though she may never know love, she will know passion—and she agrees to a whirlwind romance with a former admirer. But hours before embarking upon her grand adventure, Marguerite is abducted—by an unscrupulous rogue who boldly announces his intentions to bed and wed her before the week is out!
Step Two: Live With No Regrets . . .
Ash Courtland pulled himself up from the gutter to become a successful man of business, and now he wants revenge on his one-time partner for betraying him. Still, his enemy’s bewitching daughter is most certainly not about to surrender her innocence to the infuriating—if shockingly attractive—cad who took her captive. Yet with no more than a touch, Ash makes her tremble with desire . . . and resisting the heat of his passion could cost Marguerite her last, best chance for ecstasy.
When I first started this book I was enjoying it immensly. It started with Marguerite who is a hospice nurse, she is happy with what she does and is not really ready for any change. Than she is gets roped into having her fortune read and she is not thrilled to hear what they have to say. She decides to take matters into her own hands and change her destiny.
In comes Ash, who quickly becomes the bane of her existance. All Ash wants is to keep the business has has worked so hard to create, his partner whats something different though.
Ash & Marquerite are thrown together and that is where I start to have problems. I loved them as a couple but really how many times does marguerite need to lie and convice ahs that she will be with him and than changer her mind and run off. I felt like half the book was this scenerio. Ash must have the patience of a saint to deal with her.
The book does turn around, things start to get good than Ash starts to act up. Why put him through so much to only have him question himself in the end? At least it does not take him as long to figure things out.
Overall there were parts I loved and parts I hated. Would I read more of this series, yes I would, but it is not one I would put on my keeper shelf.
Grade B-