Chains of Fire

Chains of Fire

The Chosen Ones bk 4

Christina Dodd

This is one of the best paranormal series being written, good vs evil, free will, great characters, it has it all. Christina has done an amazing job of creating this world and it makes us want to come back for more.

Samuel Faa is a Gypsy lawyer with the power to control minds. Isabelle Mason is wealthy, privileged, and refined, and has the gift for healing. Two of the Chosen Ones, they share a past filled with love and betrayal, and a future denied by fate-until the day they’re trapped underground. No way out. No way to deny the passion that still burns beneath the surface. And when danger threatens, Isabelle has only one choice: to place her trust in the power of the one man she could never forgive…or forget.

I am do have to say that I am really glad that Sam and Isabelle were the main charcters in this book, because ever since the first book we have wanted to know what the heck is going on between these two. This book explains it all.

Samuel is a guy that has always wanted more than he has, and has worked hard for what he has. The one thing that he has always wanted was Isabelle. He knows that this will be his last chance to win her back, and so he pulls out all the stops to win her back.

Isabelle has always loved Samuel (no I am not going to tell you how long as that is a very important part of the story that you need to read for yourself), however she isn’t sure if she wants to give him one more shot at her heart as the previous times have ended badly.

Watching these two come together and overcome a past where there have been hurts and betrayls on both sides makes for one really great romance. I couldn’t put the book down and found myself being late to several things because I wanted to stay and read it.

There was a side story in this book with Alexander Wilder that I have a feeling is going to be crucial to this series.

If you are looking for a great paranormal romance that you can’t go wrong with this series. I think that this book is probably one of the best in the series.


The other books in the series are…

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