Running the Risk by Lea Griffith

Title: Running the Risk

Series: Endgame Ops Book #2

Stand Alone Title: yes
Author:  Lea Griffith

Genre:  Romantic Suspense

Blurb:  Survival is crucial.
Trust is optional.
Love is unstoppable.

Jude Dagan’s life as he knew it ended a year ago. On a mission gone wrong, he was forced to watch as Ella Banning, the only woman he’s ever loved, was killed. Or so he thought.

Jude wasn’t the only one who lost something on the day Ella was presumed dead. She sacrificed Endgame Ops, the love of her life, and parts of herself she can never get back. Now she’s determined to take down the world’s most dangerous terrorist–even if it means working for him.
When Jude and Ella are reunited, they’ll battle the lies Ella has been forced to tell…and struggle to save a love that knows no bounds.

Favorite quote(s)/excerpt(s): “We’ve got about an hour hike out of these caves.  It’ll still be dark when we exit.  I go first, and if there’s any sign of danger, you tuck in and wait for my orders.  We clear, Ella?  I need your cooperation here.” 

I’m clear,” she said in exasperation.  “How the hell did I manage to survive a whole year without you?”

Oh, her sarcasm.  He’d missed the hell out of that.  He rolled his eyes.  “I don’t know.  I’m sure it was touch and go.”

Thoughts: Reading this book was like watching an awesome action movie come to life on the big screen.  I could almost see some of the scenes flicker to life!  You can’t get any better than this – jam packed adventure and action.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The down and dirty violence that is special ops.  Then, with a great helping of romance thrown in there for good measure.  And it hits the best of the best in romance, too!  That love so strong and vibrant that you can literally feel the emotions of the characters.  I don’t know how I’ve never read this author before, but I will most assuredly be remedying that fact!  Exceptional romantic suspense!  You can’t go wrong grabbing this one!

Rating: A

Other books in this series: Flash of Fury (Book #1)


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